About Us

Radioinfo Asia is part of radioinfo which is based in Sydney, Australia, with contributors in Asia, Africa, as well as Australia.
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We welcome your contributions, comments or interest in placing advertising on Radioinfo Asia site. We also have the option for inclusion on our Africa and/or Australia sites.

Our radioinfo websites support and inform audio industry broadcast professionals working in radio, podcasting and other audio media. It has been operating for over 25 years.

Our readers are made up of people working in all facets of radio, commercial, community and government. We also have large contingents of readers that are consultants and providers to the industry, students, expatriates and overseas enthusiasts, media people in general.

Our site features the latest Asian and international Radio industry news, radio job ads for announcers, producers, panel operators, journalists, reporters, creative copywriters, sales, program directors, managers and many other job categories. To find out the latest news and jobs in radio today, we are your one stop shop.

You can also find show prep, airplay data, analysis and strategy information about Asia’s radio networks, plus the latest on how radio is responding to internet radio, podcasting, digital radio, social media, as well as other new trends facing radio in the twenty first century.

The site is published by Radiowise Productions, a division of AMT Pty Ltd.

radioinfo is bound by the Standards of Practice of the Australian Press Council. If you believe the Standards may have been breached, you may approach the publication itself or contact the Council by email ([email protected]) or by phone ([02] 92611930). For further information see http://www.presscouncil.org.au.

Harvard AGPS Citation:
Ahern, S & Saxon, P, [insert current year]. radioinfo website. < http://www.radioinfo.com.au >. Accessed on [insert date]

radioinfo was first published by Founding Editor Steve Ahern in 1998 as AMT, then changed its name to radioinfo in 2002.

We also own the podcast news site www.podcastinfo.com.au, Australia’s www.radioinfo.com.au, and Africa’s newest radio industry news and job site www.radioinfo.africa.

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